The Word changed the
lives of the disciples.
Now it's your turn.

The best investment is time spent increasing your knowledge.

Primary Feature Point
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Primary Feature Point
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What You Will Learn


Jesus died for more than the forgiveness of sins. Get ready to know the depth of His sacrifice and how He gave Himself willingly to free you from sickness, mental distress, poverty, lack and much more.


Have you ever considered how understanding the settings and surroundings of your Bible help you to understand the text? Background, traditions, customs, and ancient daily life  all matter when it comes to understanding the rich treasures on every page of God's love letter to man.


Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit not only to empower us, but to walk with us everyday. We are to co-labor and minister along side the Holy Spirit. Learn how to cooperate with the Holy Spirit and His gifts in ministering to others.


KINEO is the catalyst to your activation. Once you complete the KINEO journey, you will be more confident as you share Jesus with others, serve in your local church, and make a difference in the lives of those around you. KINEO will help you discover and understand the call of God on your life and equip you to step into what He has assigned you to do.
Hand on shoulder in crowd
You won't regret investing time in becoming a student. After being touched many times by the Lord at the North Georgia Revival, there is no way my encounters with the Lord would have successfully carried me through daily life and create such strong roots in Jesus. I learned that I cannot live off yesterday's manna for today. KINEO fed me every single day. I now personally meet with the Lord intimately with a new love and confidence. KINEO provided accountability and taught me how to be a disciple. I will never take learning The Word lightly. Reading and studying the Bible has become high priority in my relationship with God.”
– Linda, Online Student
No matter how much or how
little you know the Word,
this is where you grow.



View the KINEO Program Options Below
B.A. of Biblical Studies

For students who have already completed all four years of diploma courses:
Post Graduate On Demand Degree: $720/yr

For students currently taking diploma courses and degree courses:
On Demand Degree: $450/yr for degree tuition in addition to the general diploma tuition of $945/yr
(Grand Total: $1395)

*Registration and technology fee are not
included in the cost above.
Diploma Program

Tuition: $945*
Monthly payment plans are available at $105/mo.

Senior Tuition (65+): $450*
Monthly payment plans are available at $50/mo.

*Registration and technology fee are not
included in the cost above.

Audit Program

Tuition: $945*
Monthly payment plans are available at $105/mo.

Senior Tuition (65+): $450*
Monthly Payment plans are available at $50/mo.

*Registration and technology fee are not
included in the cost above.

Full Program Purchase: $945*

Purchasing the full package of the Year I KINEO On Demand courses will give you access to complete the course materials within 1 year from the date of purchase. All classes will close at the end of the 12 month time period and will be unaccessible to the student.

Payment plans are available for 5 payments of $189/mo.

Full Program Purchase for Seniors (65+): $450*
Payment plans are available for 5 payments of $90/mo.

Individual Course Purchase: $205 ea.
Each course in the Year I KINEO On Demand program can be purchased individually for a 3 month access. The class will close at the end of the 3 month time period and will be unaccessible to the student.

*Registration and technology fee are not included in the cost above.
Dual Enrollment Program

Tuition: $450*
Monthly payments available at $50/month.

You can participate in KINEO while in high school! High school students are able to work towards their 4 year KINEO degree or diploma! Get started today!

*Registration and technology fee are not included in the cost above.

I'm ready to learn more about Him.

Registration opens July 1st.
Enter your name and email to be notified when it's time to register.

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